Globalization, connectivity , e-commerce and increasing inter country interactions have brought the world together. Now it’s possible to run operations in multiple countries and operate from home country.CCTV proves to be an essential component in this. The applications can be endless- monitoring day to day operations, having video conferencing, remote controlling of operations, or simple security, CCTV technology has proved to be a blessing
With improvement of cameras, imaging technologies, running analytics on the camera feed, amount of data bandwidth required have arisen exponentially in recent times, and so is the cabling requirements.While coaxial cables were used traditionally, not these are getting replaced through CAT6/CAT6A cables and components or in many case with fiber optic connectivity. With use of Category cables POE applications are also finding traction
Mavecomm provides complete CCTV cabling solution starting from outdoor rated cables, IP rated pole mount boxes, S/FTP patchcords, FTP Keystone Jacks etc.
Traditional CCTV Network topology

Cabling products for CCTV Applications